Camellia Club of Mobile Inc. Newsletter Issue
8 Vol XII April 2016
2015-2016 CAMELLIA SEASON – APRIL 10th
We hope all members will find time to attend the Club’s last meeting of the
season, it will be held as usual at the Mobile Botanical Gardens. The
program will be dedicated to advice on pruning, fertilizing, spraying etc.,
as well as answering any questions anyone has on particular problems, like:
why are some of my camellias getting yellow leaves, what’s eating holes in
my leaves, what critter eats the top of a camellia bud, what’s the fuzzy
white stuff on my leaves and why are some of them covered in what looks like
black soot? Our super knowledgeable experts will be able to help with all
these questions. Further in this Newsletter is information on foliar
feeding of camellias, including recipes and where you can obtain the
specific fertilizers.
Also at the meeting the members present will be asked to vote on acceptance
of the updated Club Bye-Laws. A copy of these has been on our website for
some time, if you have not read them please do so we can replace the
current out-dated Bye-Laws. Your attention to this is really appreciated.
Thank you.
The Nominating Committee will present a slate of Officers and Board Members
to serve during the 2016-2017 camellia season. Members present will be
asked to vote on this slate; nominations, of course, can be made from the
This meeting we will also hold our annual Camellia Photography Competition.
Members are invited to bring along photos to compete in the four following
categories: 1. Best Camellia Bloom. 2. Best Camellia(s) in the Landscape.
3. Best Camellia(s) with People and/or Animals 4. Best Camellia(s) in a
Floral Arrangement. Members present will be invited to vote for their
favorites in each category and an award will be given to the winner in each.
Yes, you can vote for your own entry if you think it is the best! Pictures
don’t need to be matted or framed, but they should be from the 2015-2016
camellia season. Voters will be given 4 pennies, one to be placed on your
favorite in each category.
Jim Dwyer gave
great talk on Mobile’s Camellia History
All the members who attended the March meeting enjoyed a really interesting
and informative presentation by our Club Secretary, Dr. Jim Dwyer, on the
history of Mobile’s camellia growers and the beautiful blooms they developed
for the world of camellias. I just wish there had been more time to read
all the old literature Jim had on display, some of the really old nursery
catalogues were extremely interesting. Thank you, Jim, for all the time
and effort you’ve put into saving this historic information on the Mobile
area’s most famous flower.
Tim Payne, of the Gainesville Camellia Society, published a most interesting
article entitled “Foliar Feeding: a Key to Healthier Camellias?” in the
September/November 2005 issue of the Camellia Journal. Impressed by the
dark green healthy foliage on Hulyn Smith’s camellias and with further
information from Mark Crawford he found out about a foliar feeder called
KeyPlex. The article gives details of his investigation and the results. I
have had trouble finding it on the web, though if you are an ACS member you
might be able to locate it. I have a copy from the KeyPlex website from
years ago – I’ve made copies and will bring them to the April 2016 meeting
for anyone interested. We managed to find the KeyPlex and N-Sure mentioned
in the article with great difficulty several years ago, we shared it with
several members. Last September we came to the end of what we had after
spraying over 60 gallons on our camellias. We have, however, recently
managed to locate suppliers for KeyPlex 250 and N-Pact (which replaced
N-Sure). Following is our recipe for mixing one gallon or fifteen gallons
of sprayable foliar feeding solution:
KeyPlex 250: 2 teaspoons
N-Pact: 4
Ultrafine oil: 2 tablespoons
Water: 1 gallon (U.S.)
KeyPlex 250 10 tablespoons
N-Pact: 20 tablespoons
Ultrafine oil: 30 tablespoons
Water: 15 gallons (U.S.)
For those who don’t cook: 1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons.
Following is information on
where to obtain KeyPlex 250 and N-Pact. The Ultrafine oil can be
obtained at most garden stores.
250: This can be obtained from KeyPlex company. Call
1-800-433-7017 FREE,
you will get an automated system, pick the one for home gardeners (think it
was “2”) and hopefully you will get a most helpful pleasant gentleman called
Dan Brunetti on the line – he is familiar with the article by Tim Payne and
he recommended KeyPlex 250 for our use. We ordered a gallon which cost
$22.40 plus $12.50 shipping costs – total cost $34.90. It was shipped
very promptly and arrived in perfect condition.
We got this from Crop Production Services, 401 East Sanborn Avenue,
Summerdale, AL 36580. Telephone no. is
We bought a 2.5 gallon container for $25.00 plus $2.50 tax for a total of
$27.50. Again, very nice people to deal with. In
each case we bought the smallest size container.
Sponsorship of Awards for 2017 Camellia Show
As most members know, a number of years ago the Club offered sponsorship of
its Show awards. At the last Club meeting a committee was formed to
confirm which awards are still being sponsored and which ones are now
available for sponsorship. Any Club member can sponsor an available
award, listing themselves as a sponsor, or in honor or memory of any
appropriate person. The cost is $20.00 per award per Show (though larger
amounts are gratefully accepted!). The following awards are now open
for sponsorship - the number shown corresponds to its place in the 2017
Camellia Show brochure:
9, Best miniature japonica -
grown protected
13. Runner-up reticulata hybrid -
grown protected
16. Best plate of 3 - same variety
japonica - grown protected
18. Best plate of 3 - non-
reticulata hybrid - grown protected
21. Sweepstakes - grown protected
22. Best large to very large
japonica - grown unprotected
23. Runner-up best large to very
large japonica - grown unprotected
25. Runner-up medium to large
japonica - grown unprotected
34. Runner-up reticulata hybrid -
grown unprotected
43. Best "Helen Bower" - grown
protected or unprotected
49. Best japonica seedling
Should you wish to sponsor any of the above awards please let one of the
Awards Committee know ASAP - Jimmy Walker, Vickie Baugh or Vera Curry.
Sponsorship will be on a "first come - first served" basis so we don't have
any punch-ups on who gets what! The sponsorship fee(s) will
appear on your membership dues form sent to you prior to the first Camellia
Meeting of the 2016-2017 season.