will need rooting hormone, aluminum foil, plastic wrap, sphagnum
moss, and a sharp knife. Kitty helper is optional. |
On a
healthy limb completely remove a ring of bark 1 1/2 to 2 times the
diameter of the branch to be air layered. This should be 12 - 24
inches from the tip of the limb. Two parallel cuts may be made with
sharp clippers or a knife and the strip lifted off. The branch may
be producing new growth, however, the girdled wood must be hardened
off. |
Eliminate all traces of the cambium layer (green tissue just inside
the bark) by scraping with a knife. If the bark slips off easily,
scraping will not be necessary as the cambium layer will be removed
with the bark. Dust the exposed surface with a rooting hormone
powder recommended for hardwood cuttings or brush on with a
paintbrush if it is a liquid solution. |
the ringed area with a handful of presoaked sphagnum moss from which
the excess water has been squeezed. |
this tightly with aluminum foil (medium weight plastic wrap or other
material that will keep moss moist may be used either inside the
foil or in place of the foil). Twist ties may be used above and
below the ball of moss. The foil may be covered with a black plastic
wrap or sprayed with green or beige paint to keep squirrels and
birds from damaging the wrap. |
layers started in the spring have usually formed roots by fall or
late summer. Feeder roots will be visible through the plastic. When
the roots are visible through the moss, cut the limb from the mother
plant at the bottom edge of the moss with sharp clippers. Remove the
plastic. Soak in a bucket of water until planting |
try to remove the moss as it may damage the tender roots. Best
results will usually be obtained by planting first in a container
although it can go directly into the ground. Air layers will often
flower the first year although excessive buds should be removed so
as not to strain the plant. |